Monday, October 19, 2009

3 magic ways to get rid of your pimples before next morning

Are you planning to skip an Owambe party tomorrow just because of your pimples? Don't worry, you can get rid of pimples by the next morning if you follow some simple tips. These tips have worked most of the times. But be cautioned that these are not long-term remedies.
1) Go to a drug store and ask for a spot treatment for pimples. You will be given a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid based cream. Follow the instructions with the product. Some of the products will have to be left overnight. While there are some those you will apply for 30 minutes and rinse it with water before you go to bed. These spot treatments produce excellent results most of the times.
2) Another effective way to get rid of pimples quickly is to use a sulfur mask. Sulfur helps in unclogging the skin pores and reduce the inflammation. You can buy a sulfur based acne product from your local drug store. Follow the instructions that come with the product and you will see amazing results with your blemishes the next morning. Your pimple marks would have almost gone.
3) A third way to attack this menacing skin problem is to ice it. Take an ice cube and wrap it in a cotton cloth and apply it to your pimples. Press the ice cube against the blemish for 30 seconds and then give a break of 60 seconds before you repeat it. You will have to do this several times a day. Icing your acne will reduce the swelling and redness. Never ever steam your blemishes before an important party the next day. Steaming will cause your pimples to come out more prominently. Best is to ice it and suppress it.
Now remember that these tips are ONLY to get rid of pimples for your party. If you want a long-term solution, go for a natural treatment that attacks acne from the root.

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