Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Get Sexy Legs

Beautiful legs have always been admired, that is why most women exercise to keep their legs looking nice and sculpted. Here are some tips on how to get sexy legs.

Nice firm legs are what all women want to have in order to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.
If your legs are beautiful you can definitely wear mini skirts, shorts or any kind of outfits because you will be admired for sure.

Normally legs should have 3 small spaces between them when sticked together: one between the ankles and calves, one between the calves and knees and one just above the knees.
Most women are not satisfied with how their legs look like, they might consider legs to be too thin or too thick, so they try to improve their appearance with training and muscle toning exercises.

Since changing the shape of the legs is not possible, special exercises have been developed to improve the shape and make them look better.

Here are some tips on how to get sexy legs:

If you have thick legs and fat deposits on them follow a healhty diet and indulge into a regular exercise program to burn down the excess body fat.
If your legs are thin start an exercising program to tone your muscles. Toned muscles will improve the appearance of thin legs making them look sexy.
Don't stand for long periods of time in order to prevent varicose veins.

If you feel your legs are heavy, you might have a blood circulation problem. Put your legs up and you will start feeling better.

After taking a bath moisturize your legs to keep your skin soft and hydrated. Dry skin make the legs appear dull and unattractive.
Remove the hair from your legs. Hairy legs have always been considered unaesthetic. Beautiful legs should always look smooth and silky.
If you like your body you will radiate confidence and feel much better in your skin wearing shorts and skirts. Regular exercises and proper skin care are the keys to get sexy legs.

Skin Care Tips - Look Young Forever

Our skin is a very important thing to keep healthy, as it not only can develop problems such as cancer, but it is an extremely important body organ. It helps to protect our other vital organs, allows release of toxins through toxins, allows nutrients to enter the body, and much more. To keep this vital organ in a healthy condition there are some basic skin care tips that would be beneficial and should be closely followed.

Most people do not like their age to show, which it can if your skin is not well taken care of. Age is basically exhibited with a look at the face and the hands. All your skin should maintain certain levels of moisture, but your hands and face need a special level of cleaning and care. After all, your hands touch so much during a day's time. Consider all that your hands come into throughout a typical day. Often what is picked up by the hands is then transferred to the face. Facial pores become clogged and acne and other breakouts occur. By keeping hands not only clean, but well moisturized is one of the many good skin care tips that can also be useful for facial skin appearance.

If you are in an occupation that requires you to be on your feet all day, then likely the skin of your feet gets dry and develops calluses. By keeping the skin of the feet conditioned you are taking some of the stress away from the overall area and allowing better all over health of the foot.

Each of us has varied skin types and therefore different needs along the lines of treatment have to be met. Dry skin needs moisturized, while oily skin needs thoroughly cleansed of much of the oils. All skin care tips are not for everyone. You need to know for sure what type of skin you have and then research the best products and treatments for encouraging good health for your particular skin. One skin care tip for facial cleansing is not to use soap, but facial wash devised specifically for your particular skin type.

Hydration of the skin is important for keeping it healthy; therefore it is important to drink plenty of water. Recommended is around 8 to 10 glasses. Since sun tends to dry out and damage skin, extensive sun exposure should be avoided. If you must be in the sun, be sure to use sun block in order to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays that can cause premature aging and cancer. If you are one that is always on the move, keep tissues on your person in order to remove sweat and dirt.

A skin care tip for those with skin prone to breakouts of acne includes cleansing more often and use of medicated soaps and topical lotions. Also very important is to refrain from squeeze or pinching blackheads and pimples. This actually causes more long-term damage to the skin. Overuse of makeup should be avoided as well as it tends to clog pores, therefore makeup should be removed as soon as possible.

Our skin is a very important thing to keep healthy, as it not only can develop problems such as cancer, but it is an extremely important body organ. Following appropriate skin care tips is essential for keeping skin healthy.

Monday, October 19, 2009

3 magic ways to get rid of your pimples before next morning

Are you planning to skip an Owambe party tomorrow just because of your pimples? Don't worry, you can get rid of pimples by the next morning if you follow some simple tips. These tips have worked most of the times. But be cautioned that these are not long-term remedies.
1) Go to a drug store and ask for a spot treatment for pimples. You will be given a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid based cream. Follow the instructions with the product. Some of the products will have to be left overnight. While there are some those you will apply for 30 minutes and rinse it with water before you go to bed. These spot treatments produce excellent results most of the times.
2) Another effective way to get rid of pimples quickly is to use a sulfur mask. Sulfur helps in unclogging the skin pores and reduce the inflammation. You can buy a sulfur based acne product from your local drug store. Follow the instructions that come with the product and you will see amazing results with your blemishes the next morning. Your pimple marks would have almost gone.
3) A third way to attack this menacing skin problem is to ice it. Take an ice cube and wrap it in a cotton cloth and apply it to your pimples. Press the ice cube against the blemish for 30 seconds and then give a break of 60 seconds before you repeat it. You will have to do this several times a day. Icing your acne will reduce the swelling and redness. Never ever steam your blemishes before an important party the next day. Steaming will cause your pimples to come out more prominently. Best is to ice it and suppress it.
Now remember that these tips are ONLY to get rid of pimples for your party. If you want a long-term solution, go for a natural treatment that attacks acne from the root.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Once And For All

If you are seriously looking for information about how to get rid of stretch marks once and for all then continue reading. If not, then PLEASE STOP READING THIS and move on to something else. This article is intended for those people who are sick and tired of looking in the mirror, seeing the unattractive sight of stretch marks on their bodies and want to do something about it.

First, let me make myself clear. There's no such thing as a magic cream, lotion, or potion that will completely rid you of your stretch marks. Believe me on this as I've tried them all. Yes I too HAD stretch marks and tried every type of cream on the market only to be disappointed time and time again.

There's only one guaranteed answer on how to get rid of stretch marks once and for all. And the answer is…losing weight. I know, it was not the easy answer you were looking for. I too had difficulty with this concept, but alas, I finally bit my tongue from all the excuses and decided it was the only way to get rid of stretch marks once and for all. How much weight to be lost will be determined on your body type and how serious you are about the commitment to burning the fat.

There's one more catch. Not only do you have to lose the weight, but also lose enough to where your skin becomes tight, or the term normally applied is "ripped". It sounds difficult, but if you think about it, it's not really that hard if you're already on your way to dropping those pounds. All you'd have to do is shed just a little more weight for your skin to tighten up.

You see, when you have stretch marks, you notice that your body is kind of sagging in that area or the skin is not firm enough. When you lose the weight enough to reach the point of firmness, the skin stretches out and becomes really tight eliminating the stretch marks altogether.

· First thing on the agenda is to get your nutrition up to par. Rid yourself of all sugary foods and drinks (cookies, pastries, sodas) and replace them with water and snacks such as mixed nuts, fruits and even some energy bars will do the trick to fill the gap. Coffee is fine as long as you replace the sugar with a sweetener. If you can't live without breads and pasta, then simply replace the white variety with whole wheat and limit your intake as they contain loads of carbohydrates, and when you're losing weight you'd want to limit your carbs as much as possible.

· Next up is exercise. To boost your metabolism for optimum fat loss, it is necessary to work with weights. Notice how I said to work with weights and not cardio. You can perform cardio but ONLY after your workout lifting weights. Keep the cardio limited, only 15 minutes is sufficient to complete the session. The reason is that after a weight lifting workout, research has shown that your metabolism stays elevated for up to 15 hours! With cardio exercise, your metabolism only stays revved for only 1 hour. You notice the difference? When you see people at the gym on the treadmill for hours on end, but yet continue to look the same. Now you know why…

· Don't fool yourself and think if you exercise that particular body part affected with the stretch marks that you will burn the fat in that area. I'm sorry, but that's not how things work. That is called "spot reducing" and it doesn't work. For instance, if you wanted to get rid of the fat from under your arms and all you did was tricep curls thinking that it will burn off in that area. Wrong! You will have to burn fat from your whole body in order to lose weight to that specific area.

Complete those steps and you'll reap the rewards to get rid of those stretch marks once and for all. It's not easy at first but give it a months time and you will begin to notice that it becomes a much easier and normal routine to follow.

Good Luck and be healthy!

Rick Coelho has many interests and had previously lost 70lbs from being a borderline diabetic to a now healthy person. To learn more how he did it click here!

Article Source:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pregnancy - Skin Care Tips for Pregnancy

Your skin can go a little crazy during pregnancy, thanks to the extra hormones rushing around in your body. Just because you are pregnant doesn´t mean you have to suffer through nine months of blotchy skin, though. In fact, this is the ideal time to get healthier skin in general.

Cleansing your skin during pregnancy is essential if you want to keep hormone-related outbreaks to a minimum. Since your skin may be more sensitive than normal, it may be beneficial to use a soap designed for sensitive skin. A glycerine based soap is perfect for this purpose. Avoid harsh astringents, even if you feel that your skin is very oily. Instead, try a gentle scrub of raw quick oats to remove excess grease. You should also not wash more than a couple times per day or your skin could end up very dry.

One of the best things you can do, both for your baby and your skin, is drink a lot of water. This helps flush the toxins out of your body and not only leaves your skin fresh and glowing, but can prevent hypertension during the final trimester, which can stretch your skin and damage it. So, up your water intake and keep that healthy shine.

Pregnancy can make you more susceptible to sun damage and you may find that you now tan unevenly or develop unsightly splotches. To prevent this from happening, try to stay out of the sun when it is at its strongest (usually 11 am to 3 pm) and use a good product with SPF of at least 15, if not higher. Also, to prevent discoloration problems, make sure you use a sunblock whether or not it is sunny out, since harmful rays can make it through clouds as well.

Should you experience a major breakout during pregnancy, be careful what you use to treat it. Certain acne treatments may be dangerous for your baby, especially during the first three months which is when most pregnant women find themselves battling pregnancy acne. Avoid using over the counter remedies until you have talked to your doctor about their safety. You can use a natural remedy such as witch hazel, though, without harmful effects.

If you use makeup, try to use a light layer to let your skin breathe. Most women will want to use a foundation or concealer to even out the natural variations in coloring that occur during pregnancy, but if you go this route, be sure to wash it off every night before going to bed. Leaving makeup on can block up pores and cause more outbreaks. Combined with the hormones of pregnancy, you could be in for some major trouble if you don´t clean off your makeup and cleanse your skin regularly.

Skin care during pregnancy doesn't need to be overly complicated, but you will need to take a bit more care than usual. Try to use fairly natural skin care products, as some chemicals can affect your unborn child. If in doubt, talk to your doctor. Apart from that, you should be able to enjoy a healthy pregnancy, for both your skin and your body.

Emma Allen is the publisher of - a site dedicated to provide valuable information about pregnancy. You can publish this article on your site or newsletter if the authors byline is included and all links are hyperlinked.

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Ten Skin Problems Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings with it many changes, emotionally, physically, and mentally. From a mental and emotional standpoint, you’re preparing to adopt a new role of parent, with all its accompanying responsibilities. Physically, of course, you’re dealing with changes in the shape, function, and movement of your body. While we have a society-wide belief that pregnant women are always glowing, that, unfortunately, is not always the case. No where is this more evident than in the skin problems of pregnancy.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “the eyes are the window to the soul”. If this is true, your skin is the window to your current state of health and the changes taking place on the inside. During pregnancy, aside from all the other issues, you may also have to deal with a variety of skin changes, including rashes, acne, stretch marks, breaking nails, hair growth or loss, and dark blotches on the skin.

Most of these changes are directly linked to the enormous amount of hormonal fluctuations women experience during pregnancy. During pregnancy, there are all kinds of changes which can have impact on your skin, leading to new skin problems or worsening of existing ones. In some cases, pregnancy may actually help improve existing skin conditions. Let’s look at various skin conditions in more detail, defining the main ten skin problems of pregnancy.

1) Rashes. Rashes appear due to irritation of the skin. One common pregnancy rash is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). This is the most frequently seen condition specific to pregnancy. Women with PUPPP demonstrate a rash which starts on the abdomen and can spread to the breasts, arms, thighs, and buttocks.

2) Acne. Acne is another skin condition that may get better or worse during pregnancy. Acne is, at least in part, driven by hormones, so the hormones of pregnancy can lead to more breakouts for some women, and clearer skin for others.

3) Oily skin. Oily skin is third skin condition which may arise during pregnancy. This is related to increased levels of androgen, the male sex hormone, which causes an increase in sebum production. The more sebum produced, the oilier the skin. Many women report that their skin and hair becomes oilier during pregnancy. Most of the time, these issues can be addressed with over the counter oil controlling cleansers and products.

4) Stretch marks. The fourth skin problem of pregnancy, stretch marks arise when the under layers of the skin is stretched, resulting in visible striations on the surface of the skin. Stretch marks can be treated after the fact, but the best treatment is always prevention. Keeping your skin well moisturized, especially on your tummy, breasts, thighs, can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

5) Spider angiomas. These are another possible skin problem of pregnancy. Spider angiomas are groups of very tiny blood vessels which gather around a central point and radiate out like the legs of a spider. Pregnant women are likely to develop these on their chest, faces, arms, and sometimes on other places on the body. Most of these spider angiomas clear up after pregnancy.

6) Chloasma. Chloasma, also called melasma, or the “mask of pregnancy” is another skin condition which is diagnosed when certain areas of the skin turn darker because of excess pigmentation. Most often, this condition affects places of the skin which are most often exposed to sun, like the upper lip, forehead, cheeks. This condition is likely to clear up after pregnancy. Again, you can lessen your chances of chloasma by using a good (baby safe) doctor recommended sunscreen throughout the course of your pregnancy.

7) Too much hair. Changes in the hair are also common during pregnancy. Some women lose a lot of hair within a few months after delivery, while many are troubled with excess hair growth during pregnancy. Excess hair growth is most often seen on the lip and chin, and is triggered by an increase in androgen and other male hormones during pregnancy.

8) Brittle nails. Many women experience breaking, splitting, or brittleness to their nails during pregnancy. Physicians aren't quite sure why this occurs, but it may be managed with an over the counter nail hardening polish. Check with your doctor.

9) Skin tags. Skin tags are little pieces of skin which over-grow and hang from the neck. These can increase in number during pregnancy. If you have skin tags before pregnancy, it may be that pregnancy will cause these to increase.

10) Atopic dermatitis. Also known as eczema, this skin condition may appear or worsen during pregnancy. Marked by extreme skin itchiness, too much scratching can lead to the skin become red, swollen, or cracked.

If you are pregnant, be sure to watch for these ten skin problems of pregnancy. If you begin to develop any of these conditions, seek appropriate medical advice; you don’t have to suffer through these conditions for the whole nine months. Chances are that your doctor will have recommendations which can address your skin problems so you can have healthy, beautiful skin, even while you’re pregnant.

The Author:
Ally McNeal is a self-described “skin-a-holic”, someone who loves learning and teaching about skin care. Learn more about taking care of pregnant skin at

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Get Smooth Skin

To keep a smooth skin you need to take care of your skin every day and prevent the formation of wrinkles by following a healthy lifestyle and using natural creams that will nourish and moisture your skin during the day and night.

You should follow a routine to clean, tone and moisture your skin, if you are less than 30 years old, just by taking care of your skin and follow some simple lifestyle tips you will be able to keep your skin healthy and smooth.

Vital Healthy lifestyle tips to keep your skin smooth:

- Protect your skin from the sun by using a sunscreen and avoid too much time on the sun, also use sunglasses. The sun is one of the major causes of skin aging.

- Moisture your skin every day, use a good natural cream to help you moisture your skin.

- Is vital to drink a lot of water during the day, at least 6 glasses of water to prevent skin dryness.

- Eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables that have vitamins A, C, E and D, they have strong anti oxidants.

- Avoid smoking and Alcohol, those substances produce millions of free radicals on your skin and dry your skin.

Now that you know those important lifestyle tips, you need to follow them if you want to have a glowing skin for years to come and delay skin aging as much as possible. If you fail to follow those tips you will most likely show up premature wrinkles.

However if you are above 30 years old, there comes a time when our body loses its ability to repair skin cells like it did before, so collagen breaksdown and wrinkles show up.

What you can do is use a good natural anti wrinkle cream to keep your skin smooth and repair the fibers of your skin, this is done by increasing collage and elastin in your body.

But keep in mind that the best creams are the ones that only contain natural or organic ingredients and not chemical substances like artificial fragrances, parabens, paraffin wax, petroleum, dyes, alcohol, etc.

Click Here to Discover the Breakthrough Natural Anti Aging Creams that are changing lives. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit the Best Anti Aging Creams to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Article Source:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Natural Treatment for Serious Skin Care

Believe it or not, your skin is the biggest organ of the human body. The principle purpose of your skin is to protect your body from foreign agents. The skin is the first line of defense against disease and infection. It is also the skin that gives us protection against the sun.

However, it is also the skin that first betrays the effects of aging. Skin ailments such as psoriasis or dermatitis can be irritating and make our lives miserable. While we never needed things like wrinkle creams or moisturizers when we were younger and our skin more resilient, the fact is that some degree of skin care is inevitable as we age.

But skin care treatment is also necessary because of factors unrelated to our aging skin. Dry skin is caused by a number of conditions and therefore its treatment options will depend on the actual cause. Here are some causes of dry skin:

Medication Side Effects:
As a society, we have increasingly become dependent on medication for things like high blood pressure, tension headaches, and even depression. Skin care treatment for dryness may very well be necessary due to some side effect of your medication for a completely unrelated condition. For this reason, you always want to monitor any potential skin irritation immediately after starting any new medication. If you already have dry skin and can’t remember whether or not it was a problem before starting your medication, you may need to consult with your physician and discuss an alternative medication in order to rule out side effects as the cause of your dry skin.

Poor Nutrition:
Skin care problems are often the result of poor nutrition. Our bodies require a delicate balance of nutrients in order to keep everything functioning properly, especially the skin. Vegetarians and vegans often run into dry skin issues as a result of not consuming enough animal fats in their diet. A vitamin B12 deficiency will cause your oil glands (sebaceous glands) to function improperly, generally leading to acne.

Basically, any attempt to address a skin care issue (be it oily, dry, or even itchy skin) should begin with a close look at diet. Dermatologists can best assess potential diet-related skin care problems and recommend corrective measures to naturally restore skin vitality. However, here are some foods to avoid where possible in order to keep your skin as healthy as possible:

• fried foods (chicken, French fries)

• processed sugars

• caffeine, coffee, tea, soft drinks

• high fat dairy products like milk or cheese (consuming low fat varieties of milk and cheese may not be great, but they are better for your skin!)

Now the best thing that you can ingest for improved skin care is water. That’s right, water. Water naturally removes toxins from your body—so the more you drink of it, the purer your body will be. Drinking lots of water is especially good for people with acne problems and it will also help reduce the onset of wrinkles.

Skin Care Problems Due to Sebaceous Gland Problems

If you have ever been to a dermatologist because of acne problems then you are probably very familiar with sebaceous glands. Because the skin needs to be lubricated, it is covered with oil secreting glands known as sebaceous glands. If these glands become clogged with dirt, then bacteria begin growing inside and a pimple is the result. However, sebaceous glands can either become clogged and dry skin is caused or they can produce too much and cause oily skin. More often than not, problems with the sebaceous glands are due to poor diet and can usually be corrected rather easily.

Skin Care Problems Due to Diabetes

Believe it or not, even diabetes can cause you serious skin care problems. A person with diabetes has trouble regulating the blood sugar levels. When there is an excess of blood sugar in the body, the excess must be absorbed. To do this, the body uses a lot more water than normal and that can lead to dry skin.

Skin Care Treatment for Dryness

While diet must always be part of any skin care treatment regimen, it is just a simple fact that our bodies will need more help as we age. For this reason, a moisturizer of some sort will ultimately be needed. To this end, it is HIGHLY recommended that you use a natural skin moisturizer.

Moisturizers using natural ingredients are far less likely to cause the irritating side effects mentioned earlier. Synthetic ingredients are often less expensive to use in moisturizers but they are not the best skin care option because the body is less receptive to them. Natural ingredients, on average, cause fewer side effects and are therefore better where skin moisturizers are concerned.

Skin Care for Wrinkles

Wrinkles are probably the biggest cause of all skin care treatments in the United States. As a person ages, the skin naturally becomes less elastic. As a result, fine lines begin to form on the face which ultimately become the wrinkles we hate so much. There are two main skin care strategies when it comes to wrinkles: affect the muscles that reveal the wrinkles or fill in the skin so the wrinkles are less noticeable. The first strategy involves Botox and the second Collagen injections.

Botox Skin Care

A person is actually having a strain of Botulism injected in their face when they opt for Botox skin care treatment. Botox actually interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles that reveal our wrinkles. It may sound radical, but these injections do actually reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face for a significant period of time. Now these injections can be costly and they must be repeated—but they are generally affective.

Collagen Injection Skin Care

Many people have a serious misperception about collagen injections. The perception is that collagen is a form of fat that is injected into your face to fill in the lines caused by wrinkles. Actually, collagen is an effective form of skin care treatment for wrinkles not because it is fat—but because it is protein. In fact, collagen is a special protein that helps cells and blood vessels connect to one another. When this happens, the wrinkles fade because the collagen helps the skin to “rebuild” in areas where wrinkles form and actually fill in the lines. Again, collagen treatments tend to work but they also are expensive and need to be repeated.

Natural Anti-Wrinkle Creams

A cheaper, but slower, alternative to expensive skin care treatments for wrinkles is a simple cream. Anti-wrinkle creams work to rebuild the skin texture and helps with the elasticity over time. However, unlike Collagen or Botox injections, anti-wrinkle cream skin care treatment is only applied to the skin surface. This is why it takes so much longer. Still, an anti-wrinkle cream is a cost-effective and non-invasive treatment for wrinkles that does work if given enough time. Again, in order to reduce possible side effects, stick with creams that use natural ingredients as they will react better with your skin.

For an all natural skin care product, try SkinSoSilky today to help manage any of your anti aging, acne, or dry skin care needs.

John Davis writes for Trusted Health Products, Inc which provides all natural health products. For natural skin care that is made from pure botanical oils please visit Skin So Silky for all of your serious skin care problems.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

7 Skin Care Secrets That Start With Water

7 Skin Care Secrets That Start With Water by Jim DeSantis

I absolutely love advice that comes from people who have actually experienced success with what they are advising me to do. Treating severe acne is one of those times when all we need to do is listen to some advice about common sense skin care from acne victims who have acted instead of doubted. Here are 7 treatments that have proven successful.

Now hear this: severe acne does not have to continue to be a serious problem if you will just take action. That action must be focused and it must become a religion, so to speak. To be perfectly honest, these 7 secrets are not really secrets at all. You probably have gotten pieces of this advice before but because it is such simple advice you probably shrugged it off. I have been down that road myself.

Second, let me say, you do not need to spend tons of cash trying every hot and new acne treatments. These 7 'secrets' are either totally free or very little cost and can be done easily if you will stick to them. we go.

1. The magic cure in water.

Skin oil is vulnerable to just plain water. It is thin and it is actually water-based because the body generates it. We are mostly water, after all. Skin oils becomes a problem when it clogs skin pores and gives acne-generating-bacteria a home in which to grow and create pimples and blackheads. So, water is our primary weapon in the fight against severe acne.

Make time to wash your face as many times as needed throughout your awake hours. A good test of when to wash is by gently rubbing the skin with a soft tissue, looking for oil or grime. If you find it, it is time to wash.

Go easy. Do not scrub or rub your skin raw. Use only mild hypoallergenic soap, if you use any soap at all. Of course, you must always wash your face the first thing in the morning and just before bedtime, at the very least.

2. Should you pick that pimple?

The answer is NO! But, if you just cannot take it any longer, wear a rubber glove and wash your face afterwards. You need to get that gunk off your face and not spread it with your hands to other parts of your face or body because it is bacteria you are squeezing out!

3. The Manly advantage of shaving.

Shaving has a couple of advantages. One, it cleans the skin of hair that contains oil that can cause acne. Two, shaving helps the skin shed dead skin cells to make way for new skin. Be very careful around zits and pimples. You do not want to cut them and further spread the bacteria.

In any case, you can either use an electric shaver or a blade shaver. Prepare your beard with a hot towel or very warm, not hot, water. When finished, rinse with warm, not cold, water. Pat your face dry.

4. Stop worshiping the Sun god!

Too much Sun exposure is always a bad thing for your skin! Aside from the real possibility of getting skin cancer, the Sun dries your skin and can make you produce sweat that contains oils that contribute to acne and skin irritation. If your job keeps you outdoors, wear a good sun screen and hat. Getting a tan should be the last thing you want to do when you have severe acne.

5. The makeup problem for women.

Looking your best can be accomplished with smarter makeup choices. Choose hypoallergenic products for beauty enhancements. Products that add beauty to your hair, eyes, face, and mouth should be made up of natural ingredients and contain no oils in their base compounds.

Never, ever, leave your makeup on overnight. Remove it as soon as you no longer need it.

6. When butter is your friend.

Shea butter comes to us from a tree in Africa. It has been a skin care secret for hundreds of years and is available just about anywhere today. This little natural gem will give your skin an unbelievable glow and may make most commercial makeup a thing of the past for you. Check it out.

7. Check the produce aisle at the grocery store.

Nature has hidden many skin care compounds in vegetables and fruits. Juice squeezed from whole oranges and lemons, rubbed into acne affected areas, have cleansing and healing benefits. Eat the oranges and use the lemons in a nice green salad. You can even try slicing a potato and rubbing the juice into affected areas. Toss the potato, of course.

About the Author

Take action and control your severe acne. Discover many more natural acne treatments! Visit the Simple Acne Cures blog for more helpful acne home remedies, tips, and tricks. And, for reviews of the top three natural acne treatments, you need to visit The Natural Acne Cures website.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why so many pimple cure 'solutions' are darn wrong

What to do about 'the pimple problem'? It's a curse that afflicts millions of teenages and others and they are also afflicted by something else - conflicting information about how to cure their pimples.
The cure for pimples can be something quite simple and very frequently there is a"natural" cure that may be staring you in the face - something so simple you simply never knew it would or could work.
Ask yourself some questions first. Do you have oily or dry skin? Oily skin is a great 'contributor' to the 'pimple problem' and so you need to ensure that you're using the right skin creams or makeup for your skin condition. Know what your skin is like and what it reacts with. Remember that your skin is doing a lot of 'work' during the average day and will have a lot of rain, salt, wind, sun and various contaminant thrown at it so you need to recognize that when you prepare the treatments that are going to be best for it.
Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and you can drink natural fruit juices like lemon juice or carrot juice to help your skin and remove impurities. These can have a hugely beneficial effect upon pimple growth and origination.
Prevention is always better than cure. Make sure that you're also eating the right food too. A lot of pimple problems can be directly attributed to poor diet so you need to avoid all that fried food, fast food, food that does not have enough vitamins to get your daily dose.
You should also try and steam your face over hot water (place a towel over your head as you stand over a steaming kettle) and open the pores so that you can avoid the infection that leads to pimples in the first place. This will cleanse the skin.
There are a lot of over-the-counter creams and pills to "cure acne" or pimples, but you should try and stick with natural cures and undertake a good, healthy eating regime to avoid the problem in the first place. Remember that your pimples are caused by bacteria clogging the skin pores and you need to remove the bacteria, which can be done using a variety of entirely natural, low cost vegetables and herbs and something as simple and readily available as ice.
There are other natural pastes, made from papaya and cinnamon, olive oil and aloe vera, all of which can be very effective in removing infection and pimples. Also, herbs like fenugreek seed can be used to remove old skin and clean your skin and remove the risk of pimples (or pimples themselves).
Lemon juice or cucumber can be very good as an anti-pimple lotion in not only cleaning the skin but helping to remove pimples, so mix that with water and dab it on the infected skin areas.
Probably the most important and the most effective way to remove pimples is in fact a combination of 'steaming' the face (to open the pores) and then to apply one of the natural pastes or products mentioned above, and to then clean with warm, lemon (or lemon and rose water) to remove the bacteria and give your skin the cleansing treatment it deserves.
Check right here if you want to know more about natural acne cures.
Susie Oprey published the highly popular acne skincare reviews site at which carries updated reviews and articles on the very latest acne treatment methods, including natural acne remedies. Susie Oprey's site with unique articles and resources has been rated as one of the best for acne resources.
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How you should get rid of PIMPLES the correct way

Does Acne Get Worst At First When Beginning Acne Treatment?
For many people when trying a new acne treatment their acne condition does get a little worse. This is only for a short duration and usually does not last anymore then two or three days. You can take ibrophen to reduce the redness and also drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins. However, it is important that you do not obsess about it. Only wash your face two or three times a day and do not scrub with much force.
Should You Pop Your Pimples?
No, do not pop your pimples. I know this can be hard to do but you must refrain from doing this because it will only make the situation worse. It will spread the bacteria around and also cause your pimples to look infected which will be very red. Also, if you get into the habit of popping your pimples you will get scars on your face which is another issue.
So You have Pimples, What Should You Do?
Whatever you do not touch them. Do not pop, squeeze, scrub, etc. Leave them alone. I would recommend putting Neosporin (cheaper off brand works fine at your local drug store) on them at night. In the morning putting peroxide on a q-tip and dap your pimple. They should upon up and swell up for about 10 or 15 minutes. After 15 minutes apply a thin layer of Neosporin on your pimple to help your skin heal quicker.
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